Bhubaneswar(26/08/2021): A two-day state level convention of Ecosavers Youth Network was organized in the Mahanadi Hall of DRTC, Bhubaneswar, by People’s Cultural Centre (PECUC), a leading voluntary organization of Odisha in collaboration with Floraldralosa Barn.
In this convention, more than 60 youth representative from 11 districts of Odisha participated.
In the beginning Pabitra Sahu, Vice President of Ecosavers Youth Networks gave the welcome address and said only youth can bring many changes in the society and he further said our present work will be reflected in our future.
Anuradha Mohanty, Executive Director of PECUC by sharing the objective of this convention said youths should come forward to take leadership in different level and should create example by participating nation building process.
Ranjan Kumar Mohanty, Secretary PECUC appreciated the work of Ecosavers Youth Network and said they should prepare an action plan for their future activities.
Ruby Rout, Country Director of Adoptions centrum said the role of youth is very important in creating awareness on COVID19 guidelines and she further advises that the youth should come forward to help others by taking appropriate safety measures for themselves.
In this convention training ondifferent subjects was provided by various expert Resource persons.
Dr.Rabindra Narayan Behera, Senior Technical Director of NIC (Retd.) provided training on ‘online safety’, Deepak Kumar Mishra of Baitarani Initiative on ‘environment and ecology issues, bio diversity its preservation & role of youths’, Harihar Nayak, former member of OSPCR on child protection mechanism & role of youths’ and training on ‘understanding gender and role of youth’ by Upama Mohanty of PECUC.
The youth representatives shared their achievements & learnings with each other and also preparedan action plan for future course of action.
The second day programme was facilitated by Stuti Ranjan Pradhan, President of Ecosavers Youth Network Odisha.
The core team of the Ecosavers Youth Network was also reconstituted in this convention.
Jyotishankar Mohanty, Alpana Das and Debasis Mohapatra facilitated this programme