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Webinar on Prevention of Child Trafficking held

Bhubaneswar (30/09/2020): Awareness amongst Parents and Conscious efforts on by Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), government functionaries,child protection workforce and all stakeholders is essential to prevent child trafficking, said Director General of Prisons Santosh Kumar Upadhyay in a webinar of Child Protection Stakeholders on Prevention of Child Trafficking organized by People’s Cultural Centre (PECUC), a leading voluntary organization of Odisha in collaboration with Girls Advocacy Alliance, RAIDS, Terre Des Hommes, NL.
Upadhyay further stated that allurement is the major cause of these types of crime and covid-19 situation has aggravated the situation due to increasing involvement of children in social media.
He emphasized that online safety of the children and awareness is essential to prevent the crime.
The webinar was attended by 100 participants from different districts of Odisha.
Ranjan Kumar Mohanty, secretary PECUC gave the welcome address and also shared the purpose of this webinar.
He stated that in the current pandamic scenario the vulnerability of the children has increased everywhere and it is necessary that we all should do what is in the best interest of the child.
Dr.Minakhi Panda, Director PECUC moderated the session.
Anuradha Mohanty, Executive Director of PECUC gave the vote of thanks.
Subrat Kumar Panda, TDH, NL informed that we all need to work to provide equal opportunity to young girls and now in different states they have formed alliance in national and state level to implement the programme and bring down child marriage which is a form of child trafficking.
A Panel Discussion was held on “Covid 19 Pandemic : Preventing Child Trafficking in Odisha context”.
Madhumita Das, Consultant, WCD, Government of Odisha, Bisweswari Mohanty, Advocate, Banishree Pattnaik, DCPO, Khordha Manabendranath Mandal,SLARTC/ ATSEC,& Thematic Head, Child trafficking, NACG EVAC India joined as panelist and discussed on the various aspect of child trafficking.
Pannelists discussed various legislative provisions , schemes and programmes of Government and various actions by different stakeholders .Pannelists and Speakers in the open house emphasised on community level child protection mechanism & institutions, stringent legislation and law enforcement, a state action plan for prevention of child trafficking, constitution and strengthening of village level child protection committees.
They also suggested like psychosocial counseling to parents & children, strengthening families,their income level, online safety measures, proper implementation of law, proper rehabilitation & integration, proper registration of FIR, reporting of the cases, vigilant of the stakeholders at the grass root level, proper cooperation, coordination and linkage with different department of the government is essential to bring down the crime.
A vigilant community can prevent child trafficking as told by speakers too..