Bhubaneswar(05/06/2020): On the occasion of World Environment Day, People’s Cultural Centre (PECUC) in collaboration with Adoptionscentrum organised a state level youth convention on biodiversity, a webinar.
Around 68 participants including youths from Keonjhar, Khordha, Baleswar, Puri, Malkangiri, Sambalpur, Kandhamal, Koraput, Nabrangpur and Kendrapada joined this webinar.
Anuradha Mohanty, Executive Director, PECUC welcomed the guests and participants and also shared the purpose of this convention.
Ranjan Kumar Mohanty, Secretary, PECUC in his introductory remarks emphasised that we should work for protecting and preserving the bio-diversity of the nature and it is the need as nature has hinted us through series of calamities and disaster.
Other notable guests of the convention were Ulrika Oberg, Programme Manager, Adoptionscentrum, Ruby Rout, Country Director of Adoptionscentrum, Pranab Chaudhury, Former Scientist of Former Scientist of Indian Council Agricultural Research and Sushree Shailani Suman, Chief Editor, Research Edit.
Ulrika Oberg said we should give space to nature and we should reduce our footprint.
COVID-19 has provided much needed breathing space for the nature and we should care and protect the bio-diversity of nature.
Pranab Chaudhury said as earth is losing it bio diversity the frequency of disaster increased and it will increase in future if we will not protect and preserve it.
We all should make it a habit to preserve the nature around us.
Sustainable agriculture should be practices, more tree to be planted and species to be protected to preserve bio diversity.
Ruby Rout pointed out specifically what should be the role of youth to preserve nature.
By innovating new technique the youth should work towards reducing the pollution.
They should take care of the tree they are plating & they should make it a habit to preserve the uniqueness of nature.
Sushree Shailani Suman clearly indicated that by harming the nature we are harming ourselves and everything comes back to us.
We all need to aware about the nature around us as it is very silently works towards our own protection.
In the open discussion session various question asked by participants answered by the guests.
Smruti Ranjan Pradhan, State President of Ecosavers Youth Network briefly shared about the activities they are doing also appealed all youths to join in this noble movement.